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[Talent Templates] Rogue

Verfasst: 21.12.2004, 19:38
von Thant
Der Release rückt immer näher, wir werden immer verrückter auf WoW.
Was macht man um sich die Zeit zu vertreiben? Man überlegt sich ein Talent Template für seine Klasse(n). In meinem Fall ist es der Rogue und ich habe mir da mehrere Möglichkeiten überlegt ;)
Ich nummeriere meine mal durch(wäre auch ganz gut wenn die folgenden Templates weiter durchnummeriert werden) damit man leichter Stellung nehmen kann :)
Alle meine Templates sind für PvP gedacht :)

Und noch eine kleine Info: Ich beziehe mich bei den Templates auf den Talent Calculator von wowvault

Class: Rogue
Level: 60

Assassination Talents (16 points)

Improved Eviscerate - 2/3 points
Increases the damage done by your Eviscerate ability by 10%.

Malice - 5/5 points
Increases your critical strike chance by 5%.

Ruthlessness - 3/3 points
Gives your finishing moves a 60% chance to add a combo point to your target.

Relentless Strikes - 1/1 point
Your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to restore 25 energy.

Lethality - 5/5 points
Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Sinister Strike, Gouge, Backstab, Ambush, Ghostly Strike, or Hemorrhage ability by 30%.

Combat Talents (19 points)

Lightning Reflexes - 5/5 points
Increases your Dodge chance by 5%.

Improved Sinister Strike - 2/2 points
Reduces the Energy cost of your Sinister Strike ability by 5 Energy.

Precision - 5/5 points
Increases your chance to hit with melee weapons by 5%.

Improved Backstab - 3/3 points
Increases the critical strike chance of your Backstab ability by 30%.

Dual Wield Specialization - 4/5 points
Increases the damage done by your offhand weapon by 40%.

Subtlety Talents (16 points)

Master of Deception - 2/5 points
Reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while in Stealth mode. More effective than Master of Deception (Rank 1)

Camouflage - 5/5 points
Increases your speed while stealthed by 15%.

Opportunity - 5/5 points
Increases the damage dealt when striking from behind with your Backstab, Garrote, or Ambush abilities by 20%.

Improved Ambush - 3/3 points
Increases the critical strike chance of your Ambush ability by 40%.

Ghostly Strike - 1/1 point
A strike that deals 125% weapon damage and increases your chance to dodge by 15% for 7 seconds. Awards 1 combo point.

Bei diesem Template sind die Hauptangriffe Ambush und Backstab mit denen man eine sehr hohe Chance hat eine Crit zu landen und dadurch hohen Schaden anzurichten.

Class: Rogue
Level: 60

Assassination Talents (3 points)

Improved Eviscerate - 3/3 points
Increases the damage done by your Eviscerate ability by 15%.

Combat Talents (17 points)

Lightning Reflexes - 5/5 points
Increases your Dodge chance by 5%.

Improved Sinister Strike - 2/2 points
Reduces the Energy cost of your Sinister Strike ability by 5 Energy.

Precision - 3/5 points
Increases your chance to hit with melee weapons by 3%.

Improved Backstab - 3/3 points
Increases the critical strike chance of your Backstab ability by 30%.

Improved Evasion - 2/2 points
Increases the effect duration of your Evasion ability by 4 seconds.

Improved Kick - 2/2 points
Gives your Kick ability a 100% chance to silence the target for 2 seconds.

Subtlety Talents (31 points)

Master of Deception - 4/5 points
Reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while in Stealth mode. More effective than Master of Deception (Rank 3)

Camouflage - 5/5 points
Increases your speed while stealthed by 15%.

Opportunity - 5/5 points
Increases the damage dealt when striking from behind with your Backstab, Garrote, or Ambush abilities by 20%.

Elusiveness - 5/5 points
Reduces the cooldown of your Evasion, Vanish, and Blind abilities by 1.3 minutes.

Improved Ambush - 3/3 points
Increases the critical strike chance of your Ambush ability by 40%.

Ghostly Strike - 1/1 point
A strike that deals 125% weapon damage and increases your chance to dodge by 15% for 7 seconds. Awards 1 combo point.

Preparation - 1/1 point
When activated, this ability immediately finishes the cooldown on your other Rogue abilities.

Improved Cheap Shot - 2/2 points
Reduces the Energy cost of your Cheap Shot ability by 20.

Setup - 3/3 points
Gives you a 45% chance to add a combo point to your target after dodging their attack.

Hemorrhage - 1/1 point
An instant strike that damages the opponent and causes the target to hermorrhage, increasing any Physical damage dealt to the target by up to 3. Lasts 30 charges or 15 seconds. Awards 1 combo point.

Premeditation - 1/1 point
When used, adds 2 combo points to your target. The target must become engaged in combat within 5 seconds or the combo points are lost.

Ziel bei diesem Template ist es, viel auszuweichen(Lightning Reflexes, Improved Evasion, Elusiveness, Ghostly Strike) und dann durch Setup Combopunkte zu sammeln und zum Schluss mit Evicerate dem Kampf ein Ende zu bereiten.

Class: Rogue
Level: 60

Assassination Talents (21 points)

Improved Eviscerate - 2/3 points
Increases the damage done by your Eviscerate ability by 10%.

Malice - 5/5 points
Increases your critical strike chance by 5%.

Ruthlessness - 3/3 points
Gives your finishing moves a 60% chance to add a combo point to your target.

Relentless Strikes - 1/1 point
Your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to restore 25 energy.

Lethality - 5/5 points
Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Sinister Strike, Gouge, Backstab, Ambush, Ghostly Strike, or Hemorrhage ability by 30%.

Vile Poisons - 4/5 points
Increases the damage dealt by your poisons by 12%.

Cold Blood - 1/1 point
When activated, increases the critical strike chance of your next Sinister Strike, Backstab, Ambush, or Eviscerate by 100%.

Combat Talents (1 point)

Improved Sinister Strike - 1/2 point
Reduces the Energy cost of your Sinister Strike ability by 3 Energy.

Subtlety Talents (29 points)

Master of Deception - 3/5 points
Reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while in Stealth mode. More effective than Master of Deception (Rank 2)

Camouflage - 5/5 points
Increases your speed while stealthed by 15%.

Opportunity - 5/5 points
Increases the damage dealt when striking from behind with your Backstab, Garrote, or Ambush abilities by 20%.

Elusiveness - 5/5 points
Reduces the cooldown of your Evasion, Vanish, and Blind abilities by 1.3 minutes.

Improved Ambush - 3/3 points
Increases the critical strike chance of your Ambush ability by 40%.

Ghostly Strike - 1/1 point
A strike that deals 125% weapon damage and increases your chance to dodge by 15% for 7 seconds. Awards 1 combo point.

Preparation - 1/1 point
When activated, this ability immediately finishes the cooldown on your other Rogue abilities.

Improved Cheap Shot - 2/2 points
Reduces the Energy cost of your Cheap Shot ability by 20.

Setup - 3/3 points
Gives you a 45% chance to add a combo point to your target after dodging their attack.

Hemorrhage - 1/1 point
An instant strike that damages the opponent and causes the target to hermorrhage, increasing any Physical damage dealt to the target by up to 3. Lasts 30 charges or 15 seconds. Awards 1 combo point.

Dieses Template ist relativ ähnlich zu dem letzten.
Das Ziel ist sogar das gleiche, man hat allerdings nicht so gute Chancen auszuweichen und das Premeditation fehlt. Dafür hat man Cold Blood und ist mit Ruthlessness und Relentless Strikes auch auf längere Kämpfe vorbereitet.

Class: Rogue
Level: 60

Assassination Talents (12 points)

Malice - 5/5 points
Increases your critical strike chance by 5%.

Ruthlessness - 3/3 points
Gives your finishing moves a 60% chance to add a combo point to your target.

Improved Slice and Dice - 3/3 points
Increases the duration of your Slice and Dice ability by 45%.

Relentless Strikes - 1/1 point
Your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to restore 25 energy.

Combat Talents (31 points)

Lightning Reflexes - 5/5 points
Increases your Dodge chance by 5%.

Improved Sinister Strike - 2/2 points
Reduces the Energy cost of your Sinister Strike ability by 5 Energy.

Precision - 5/5 points
Increases your chance to hit with melee weapons by 5%.

Deflection - 3/5 points
Increases your Parry chance by 3%.

Dual Wield Specialization - 5/5 points
Increases the damage done by your offhand weapon by 50%.

Improved Kick - 2/2 points
Gives your Kick ability a 100% chance to silence the target for 2 seconds.

Mace Specialization - 5/5 points
Gives you a 6% chance to stun your target for 3 seconds with a mace.

Blade Flurry - 1/1 point
Increases your attack speed by 20%. In addition, attacks strike an additional nearby opponent. Lasts 15 seconds.

Aggression - 2/3 points
Increases the damage of your Sinister Strike and Eviscerate abilities by 4%.

Adrenaline Rush - 1/1 point
Increases your Energy regeneration rate by 100% for 15 seconds.

Subtlety Talents (8 points)

Master of Deception - 3/5 points
Reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while in Stealth mode. More effective than Master of Deception (Rank 2)

Camouflage - 5/5 points
Increases your speed while stealthed by 15%.

Bei diesem Template(zu dem tendiere ich momentan) verzichtet man auf die Vorteile von Dolchen(Backstab & Ambush) und nimmt dafür nach Möglichkeit zwei schnelle Keulen.

Ziel bei diesem Template ist es, den Gegner nicht zum Zuge kommen zu lassen. Das heißt man eröffnet den Kampf mit Cheapshot wählt dann Slice & Dice bzw Blade Fury, sodass man mit den Keulen(5% Chance auf 3 sec Stun pro Treffer) den Gegner außer Gefecht setzt.
Auch Kidney Shot und Gauge sind sehr hilfreich und besonders zu empfehlen gegen Caster ist Kick.

Verfasst: 21.12.2004, 19:52
von Snowfire
ich würd das 4te nehmen.. denn wenn dein gegner nicht sofort tot ist, bringt dir ausweichen nichts mehr.. außer du greifst nen tank an, wird aber nicht immer der fall sein.. außerdem bringt dir ausweichen nix gegen magieeffekte, und ich will sehen was du machst, wenn ein mage nicht tot umfällt nach ersten angriff ;)
also so genau kenne ich mich mit den abilitys nicht aus, aber ich würds etwa so machen:
stealth maximale stufe, geschwindigkeit im stealth und andere stealther sehen auch maximal
rest in solche styles wie backstab und kritischer treffer.. und dann noch sowas damit du öfter triffst..
da man alle skills holen kann, wirst du auch keine probleme gegen tanks haben, nachdem du backstab oder etwas derartiges gemacht hast, glaube ich :)

aber: ich hab das spiel nie gespielt, ist halt nur alles meine meinung, also keine gerantie ;)

Verfasst: 22.12.2004, 16:13
von Ralàn´thir
Hab hier mal ein Alternatives Template gemacht, so renn ich zwar im Spiel nicht rum, wäre aber eben auch ne Möglichkeit:


Assassination Talents (30 points)

# Improved Eviscerate - 3/3 points
Increases the damage done by your Eviscerate ability by 15%.

# Malice - 5/5 points
Increases your critical strike chance by 5%.

# Ruthlessness - 3/3 points
Gives your finishing moves a 60% chance to add a combo point to your target.

# Murder - 2/2 points
Increases your chance to hit while using your Sap, Ambush, Garrote, or Cheap Shot abilities by 5%.

# Relentless Strikes - 1/1 point
Your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to restore 25 energy.

# Lethality - 5/5 points
Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Sinister Strike, Gouge, Backstab, Ambush, Ghostly Strike, or Hemorrhage ability by 30%.

# Vile Poisons - 5/5 points
Increases the damage dealt by your poisons by 15%.

# Cold Blood - 1/1 point
When activated, increases the critical strike chance of your next Sinister Strike, Backstab, Ambush, or Eviscerate by 100%.

# Seal Fate - 5/5 points
Your critical strikes from abilities that add combo points have a 100% chance to add an additional combo point.

Combat Talents (8 points)

# Improved Gouge - 3/3 points
Increases the effect duration of your Gouge ability by 1.5 seconds.

# Improved Sinister Strike - 2/2 points
Reduces the Energy cost of your Sinister Strike ability by 5 Energy.

# Improved Backstab - 3/3 points
Increases the critical strike chance of your Backstab ability by 30%.

Subtlety Talents (13 points)

# Master of Deception - 5/5 points
Reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while in Stealth mode. More effective than Master of Deception (Rank 4)

# Opportunity - 5/5 points
Increases the damage dealt when striking from behind with your Backstab, Garrote, or Ambush abilities by 20%.

# Improved Ambush - 3/3 points
Increases the critical strike chance of your Ambush ability by 40%.

Postet einfach eure Meinung ;)

Verfasst: 17.01.2005, 21:39
von F[O]bsEn
Was haltet ihr hiervon ? :

Assassination Talents (22 points)

# Improved Eviscerate - 3/3 points
Increases the damage done by your Eviscerate ability by 15%.

# Malice - 5/5 points
Increases your critical strike chance by 5%.

# Ruthlessness - 3/3 points
Gives your finishing moves a 60% chance to add a combo point to your target.

# Lethality - 5/5 points
Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Sinister Strike, Gouge, Backstab, Ambush, Ghostly Strike, or Hemorrhage ability by 30%.

# Vile Poisons - 5/5 points
Increases the damage dealt by your poisons by 15%.

# Cold Blood - 1/1 point
When activated, increases the critical strike chance of your next Sinister Strike, Backstab, Ambush, or Eviscerate by 100%.

Combat Talents (8 points)

# Improved Gouge - 3/3 points
Increases the effect duration of your Gouge ability by 1.5 seconds.

# Lightning Reflexes - 2/5 points
Increases your Dodge chance by 2%.

# Improved Backstab - 3/3 points
Increases the critical strike chance of your Backstab ability by 30%.

Subtlety Talents (21 points)

# Camouflage - 5/5 points
Increases your speed while stealthed by 15%.

# Master of Deception - 5/5 points
Reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while in Stealth mode. More effective than Master of Deception (Rank 4)

# Rapid Concealment - 2/5 points
Reduces the cooldown of your Stealth ability by 2 seconds.

# Opportunity - 5/5 points
Increases the damage dealt when striking from behind with your Backstab, Garrote, or Ambush abilities by 20%.

# Improved Ambush - 3/3 points
Increases the critical strike chance of your Ambush ability by 40%.

# Ghostly Strike - 1/1 point
A strike that deals 125% weapon damage and increases your chance to dodge by 15% for 7 seconds. Awards 1 combo point.

Ist halt eher darauf aus aus dem Stealth den Gegner mit Ambush und danach durch Backstab zu bezwingen.