World of Warcraft
Patch 10.2.6

Klassenänderungen mit Patch 7.2

Geschrieben von Telias am 26.03.2017 um 10:05


Kurz vor dem Patch 7.2 Release hat Blizzard nun doch noch einige Klassenänderungen bekannt gegeben. Darunter sind Verbesserungen für Tanks, Heiler und einzelne Klassen, sowie mehrere Anpassungen für den PvP-Modus. Diese Anpassungen werden zusammen mit dem Patch selbst nächste Woche live gehen.

We’ve made a few additional adjustments that will go live on Tuesday with Patch 7.2—

• The damage bonus that tanks and healers get per Artifact point spent has been increased to 0.65% for all tanks and Discipline Priests (was 0.5%), and the bonus has been increased to 1.3% for all other healers (was 1%).
• Feral Druids now deal 4% more damage with Krallenhieb, Schreddern, Prankenhieb, Hauen, Brutales Schlitzen, Mondfeuer, Wilder Biss, Ashamanes Raserei, and Zerfetzen.
• Windwalker Monks now deal 8% more damage with Tigerklaue, Blackout-Tritt, and Tritt der aufgehenden Sonne.
• Ulthalesh now has a greatly increased chance to generate the first three Gepeinigte Seelen at the beginning of a raid encounter.

We’ve also got a number of additional PvP adjustments coming with this patch:

Demon Hunter
• Havoc

• The duration of Nemesis is reduced to 15 seconds in PvP.
• The damage of Chaosstoß and Vernichtung is reduced by 15% in PvP.
• Vengeance
• Vengeance no longer deals 10% reduced damage in PvP.

• Balance
• Enemy players can now see the radius of Sternenregen while active.
Mondfeuer, Sonnenfeuer, and Sternenregen now deal 50% less periodic damage to player targets.
Solarzorn now deals 40% more damage to player targets.
Sternschnuppen grants 2 Astral Power on player targets (was 4 Astral Power)
Sterbende Sterne restores 3 Astral Power (was 8 Astral Power)
• Intellect increased by 15%.
• Feral
• Bloodletter's Gebrechlichkeit increases the damage you deal to the target by 15% in PvP.
• Restoration
Wildwuchs cast by Wildes Wachstum now only applies to the initial target.

• Survival
Diamanteis no longer prevents the use of Eisblock and Gottesschild.

• Arcane

• Intellect reduced by 5%.
• Frost
Konzentrierte Kälte now increases the damage of Gefrorene Kugel by 225% (was 250%).

• Brewmaster

• Brewmaster no longer deals 10% reduced damage in PvP.
• Mistweaver
• Windwalkers’ Fortifying Elixir renamed and is now Stärkendes Gebräu.
• Mana cost of the Uralte Künste der Nebelwirker version of Beruhigender Nebel reduced by 25%.
• Mana Regeneration increased by 5%.

• Retribution

Rechtbringer no longer damages targets that are under the effects of crowd-control abilities that break on damage.

• Shadow

• Intellect increased by 5%
Schwelle des Wahnsinns now provides a 20% damage increase while you're at 100 Insanity and not in Leerengestalt.
Schwelle des Wahnsinns now activates above 65 Insanity when talented into Vermächtnis der Leere.
Psychoschrecken can no longer be targetted using target macros.

• Protection

Massenzauberreflexion now provides 30% magical damage reduction while active.

• Affliction

• PvP Template Intellect increased by 5%.
• Demonology
• The damage of Verdammnis is reduced by 15% in PvP.
• Destruction
Teufelsriss's duration has been reduced to 6 seconds (was 15 seconds).

You’ll see these reflected in the final, official patch notes, which should be posted on Monday.

We're also making a change to how your damage and health increase as you spend points in your Artifact: The damage bonus per point noted above will stop at the 52nd point acquired, and the health bonus will decrease starting with the 53rd point acquired.

Quelle: World of Warcraft Seite

Ursprünglicher Artikel

Patch 7.2 gehört zu den größeren Patches in WoW Legion. Doch wie umfangreich fallen die Klassenänderungen mit diesem Patch aus? Diesbezüglich hat sich Blizzard nun im offiziellen WoW Forum geäußert. Zu den Highlights gehören die neuen Artefaktwaffen-Talente. Diese haben eine starke Auswirkung auf sämtliche Klassen. Es wird zwar auch richtige Klassenänderungen geben, doch diese sind mit Patch 7.2 nur minimal. Größere Klassenanpassungen sind für Zwischen-Patches (Patch 7.x.5) geplant, so wie dies bei Patch 7.1.5 der Fall war.

World of Warcraft Klassen im Überblick

We're planning to have relatively minimal changes to core class design in 7.2. This is for two primary reasons:

  • The 7.2 changes and additions to Artifact Traits will have a lot of impact on classes, and so we'd like to keep core functionality relatively stable
  • We just made a very significant amount of changes to most specs in 7.1.5, and don't want to pile another heap of changes on the community just yet.

That's not to say that there won't be any class changes in 7.2, just that it's not a major focus of the patch the same way it was in 7.1.5. As someone mentioned above, our strategy for Legion is to keep those sorts of heavy class changes to 7.x.5-level patches.

I should add, however, that we're already getting fairly deep into discussions on what might happen in one such future patch, so please keep the feedback coming. Kaivax alluded to some of those discussions regarding Unholy in an earlier post, for example.

Quelle: World of Warcraft Forum

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